Paapos Integration
Paapos is now integrated with eShipz and users can now create/track shipments with Paapos.
To integrate paapos carrier, follow the below mentioned steps:
STEP1: From the ‘Select Carrier’ page choose ‘Paapos’ carrier [Refer Image No:1.1]

Image No:1.1
STEP2: Enter the credentials for paapos under ‘Add Shipper Account For Carrier’ page and save the credentials. [Image No:1.2]

Image No:1.2
Applicable only for International Shipments
Schedule pickup is not possible
Reverse shipments not applicable
NDR flow is not applicable
NAQEL EXPRESS is now integrated with eShipz allowing users to create/track shipments using NAQEL.

Image No:2.1
Below image shows shipper accounts page where user can add NAQEL EXPRESS credentials

Image No:2.2
User can create shipments only for Middle East . Domestic Shipments are not permitted.
On A4 size labels (carrier label )under ship date field , the time displayed doesn’t match with the request
On A4 size label (carrier label ), prepaid value not displayed in label
On A4 size label (carrier label ) under service type, user selected load type is not displayed
Limited Load types have been displayed for NAQEL EXPRESS. Only Express/Pallet has been tested as of now.
FedEx Packages
Users can now book shipments using any of the available FedEx Packages. Users can select the desired package for shipping the parcel . Below is the list of packages available in eShipz UI for shipping FedEx shipments.
Follow the below mentioned steps to save the FedEx boxes:
STEP 1: Go to ‘Settings’ dropdown and click on ‘Package Settings’ [Refer Image No: 3.1]

Image No: 3.1
STEP 2: Package Settings page is displayed, from ‘Select Pack Type’ dropdown , choose the FedEx boxes. For the chosen box , the ‘Box Name’, ‘Length’, ‘Width’, ‘Height’ will be auto populated. Now, click on ‘Save’ button.[Refer Image No: 3.2]

Image No: 3.2
STEP 3: A successful validation message is displayed stating “Your package settings FEDEX_EXTRA_LARGE_BOX has been saved successfully.!” [Refer Image No: 3.3]

Image No: 3.3
This is how we save the defined FedEx boxes.
Shopify - Mark Delivered Orders As Paid
Users can now mark the COD delivered orders which are usually in ‘Payment_Pending’ status as ‘Paid’ on ‘Shopify’.
STEP 1: On Shopify ‘Channel Settings’ page, check the ‘Mark Delivered Orders As Paid’ checkbox [Refer Image No:4.1] and set the status mapper for ‘Delivered’ status [Refer Image NO: 4.2] and save the credentials

Image No: 4.1

Image No: 4.2
STEP 2: When the user updates the status for Cod delivered orders from eShipz , the status of the COD order on Shopify will be changing from ‘payment_pending’ to ‘paid’ status.[Refer Image NO: 4.3]

Image No: 4.3