1. With Private App
Step-2: login to WIX developer site
URL: https://dev.wix.com/
Step-3: Once logged in, click on the "Build App" option
Step-4: In the "Build App" section, click on the Create New App button, From the dropdown menu, select the Build from Scratch option.
Step-5: Under the App Name field, enter the name of your store.
Step-6: In the Table of Contents, click on the OAuth option, you will receive the App ID and Secret Key on this page
Under the Advanced section of the OAuth page: Add the App URL and Redirect URL as https://www.google.com
Click the Save button located at the top of the page
Step-7: On the store page, click on the My App option. This will redirect you to the WIX Developer site
Step-8: In the Table of Contents, click on the Permission tab, On the Permission page, click on the Add Permission button
Step-9: After clicking the Add Permission button, you will see two radio buttons on the Add Permission page, select the Filter by Category option, where a dropdown menu will appear, from the dropdown, select the WIX Store option.
Step-10: After selecting the WIX Store option, a list of permission checkboxes will be displayed, select all the checkboxes and click the Save button
Step-11: After completing the permission setup and OAuth configuration, click on the My App option again, this will redirect you to the My Apps page, On the My Apps page, select the store and click on the Flutter icon to proceed
Step-12: Copy and paste the link provided into a new tab, In the new tab, click on the Install App option
Step-13: After being redirected to the store site, select the store, and click on the Agree and Add option.
Step-14: Once the store is selected and installed, a new tab will display a token, copy this token and save it in a notepad for reference
Step-15: From the token URL, copy only the token, navigate to the OAuth page, copy the App ID, and paste it along with the token into the provided URL template
https://www.wix.com/installer/install?token= COPY AND PASTE THE TOKEN FORM THE ABOVE URL &appId=COPY PASTE THE APP ID FROM THE OAUTH PAGE &redirectUrl=https://www.google.com
Step-16: Paste the complete URL into a new tab
Step-17: You will be redirected to the permissions page, click on the Add and Agree option
Step-18: After clicking Add and Agree, you will be redirected to a new tab, in this tab’s URL, locate and copy the Authorization Code
Step-19: Use Postman to send a request containing the details below, including the authorization code, you will receive both an Access Token and a Refresh Token
url:post : https://www.wixapis.com/oauth/access
format json
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"client_id": "cf50cadc-0fc1-4685-983a-57fb0bc83a73",
"client_secret": "b8d90ed8-a3ed-43f8-b115-5abd395b3aab",
Step-20: Log in to eShipz and navigate to the WIX Sales Channel, enter all the necessary details, including the access and refresh tokens, to complete the integration.
Step-1: Login to app.eshipz
Step-2: Under Setting, click on Sales Channel option
Step-3: In the Sales Channel page click on WIX sales channel option
Step-4: In the add WIX channel page, enter ‘Alias Name’ and in the select ‘Payment Status’, select payment status of the orders which need to be synced to eshipz and then click on ‘Save Channel Settings’’ option.
Step-5: After clicking on ‘Save Channel Settings’ option, user will be moved to channel settings page, where user will be provided with a hyper link to authorize.
Step-6: On clicking the hyper link, user will be moved to WIX store as shown in the below image
Step-7: In the above image select the store which needs to integrated with eshipz
Step-8: After selecting the store, user will be moved to WIX - eshipz integration panel. Click on ‘Agree & Add’
Step-9: After clicking on ‘Agree & Add’ option, user will be now directed to eshipz page
Step-10: Users can now sync the orders from WIX channel to eshipz.
New OAuth Flow format is as below